miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

Driving Lessons

So today as I was walking to class I noticed several different things about driving here that I thought I would share with you all.
First off, I mentioned the motos previously. The other day I realized that when they are stopped at a light and don´t want to want to wait, they just get off their moto and wheel it along in the pedestrian walkway with them. Then they just hop back on and drive off. Seems pretty easy for them!
The parking situation here is also something interesting to watch. There are nowhere near enought spots for all the cars that want to park, so they double park all the time. But when they park and block someone in, they leave their car in neutural so that if the person that is boxed in wants to leave they just push the car out of the way. I love to watch this, I think it is the funniest thing ever.
When someone wants to get something really quickly, they tend to just stop their car in the middle of the street and just hop out. The interesting thing is that the people behind them don´t usually honk or anything.
However, they will honk at pedestrians, they don´t stop for anything. I really think that they would run you over before they would let you cross against the light.
Well, that´s all I have for now.
¡Hasta luego!

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008

10 Things I Love About You!

So, I decided that I need some way that I can talk to everyone more easily than sending out an e-mail, and that is how this blog came about. I have been in Sevilla, Spain for 1 week and almost 6 days, but it seems like I have been here for about a month already!
For my first blog entry, I thought I would give you a little over view of what I love here in Sevilla, and what I don't quite love.

What I Love!
~helado- The ice cream here is absolutely the best thing I have ever eaten. I wish I could bring it home with me!
~My señora- My señora is 56 years old, and is hilarious. She loves watching sports of all kinds (soccer, tennis, Formula 1 racing) and is very vocal while the events are happening. She is also trying to teach herself how to play the guitar, which is fun to listen to.
~My hermana (sister)- My señora's 32 year old daughter lives with us, which is the norm here in Spain. They tend to live at home until they get married. My sister is really nice. She always helps me out when I am confused, and is really good at rephrasing stuff so I can understand what her mother is saying.
~Calle Sierpes- This is pretty much my favorite place in the whole entire world. It is the cutest street full of shops that I get to walk down every single time I walk to class. I may have to put a picture up so you can really see it.
~The food! (or as María (my Señora) said- María's food)- I really don't think that I have eaten a single thing here that I didn't like. When we first got here we went out for tapas a couple times, and those are amazing. They are kind of like appetizers that you pass around and share. And my señora is right, I love the food she makes me, even though she does make me too much!
~Being a tourist- I know, I know, everyone always says "Don't do that or everyone will know you're an American" but the fact is I am an American, and people can pretty much already tell that just by looking at me. Sevilla is full of beautiful places to go, and I love walking around taking pictures of things.
~My walk to class- This should be in its own category because sometimes I love it and sometimes I hate it. I guess it all depends on how early I leave my house! At first it took me about 45 minutes to walk to class, but now I have it down to about 30. I get to cross the river, walk down calle Sierpes, walk down adorable little alleyways, and pretty much enjoy myself on the way to class. I also know I am going the right way on my way to class by the wedding gown shops I walk by, which is fun.
~The time I walk to class- I usually leave my house about 2, and for some reason at that time the streets are filled with kids going to school. It is fun because all the kids are with their parents or grandparents who are always carrying their child's backpack for them. It is cute.
~All the brides- Today is a Saturday, and we were at tourist spots, but I must have seen at least ten brides today. I asked my sister, and she said that it is a typical time to get married, and it is typical to take pictures at different places. I am a fan of that tradition!
~The pets- A lot of people have really really little dogs here because they don't have yards and I see them all the time when I am walking places. They are so cute!

Things I Don't Quite Love...
~Crossing the street- OK, this may sound stupid, but I have absolutely no understanding of the driving rules here. Even when I have a green pedistrian crossing light, the people in cars seem to be able to just drive through my cross walk. It makes getting to school a little interesting.
~Motos- These things are the devil. They are motor scooters that just drive around everywhere (including on the sidewalks) and they aren't very nice to you if you get in their way.
~The exchange rate- "Oh thanks, I get .70 for that $1 I just gave you? Very nice." It also makes me have to do math in my head, which is never a good thing.

I am sure that more things will come to mind as my time here goes on, and I will be sure to share them with you.
Besitos from Spain!